Here in my minivan, I am listening to the Rolling Stones like any good middle-aged white person. I started thinking about workman's comp after reading comments on my workman's comp video from yesterday. Some viewers mentioned how it can be costly and just a hassle for a one-man company. Joe mentioned filing for an exemption, which got me thinking. Technically, I don't have to have workman's comp because I haven't had it before. However, some contractors require it, so I looked up the guidelines. According to what I found, workman's comp is usually applicable to companies with three or more employees. So, it seems like I don't have to have it, but it may be a matter of preference. While researching, my wife came across some information from the North Carolina government. The government literature stated that I didn't have to have workman's comp for working with that particular contractor. It stated that they weren't liable for contractors like me, but only for their direct employees. This was good news! There was a specific job I wanted to do with a contractor running the project. However, in order for me to work on that job, I needed to pay $1,600 for workman's comp insurance. This expense would have eaten up most of my profit. After considering that, I realized that I likely wouldn't have used workman's comp for the rest of the year. Because of this, I reached out to the company and explained my situation. I told them about the information I found on the North Carolina government website. I sent the email several hours ago, and I hope to receive a response soon. I really want to do this job, especially because I have quoted a nice Ameristar split system. Since the house is being flipped and resold,...
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Workers comp exempt ny Form: What You Should Know
A certificate of exemption from workers' compensation is no longer accepted in lieu of completing a workers' compensation claim form, the Worker's Compensation Review Committee (CRC) must approve such an application. You can fill out this form online, print out, fill in your information as much or as little as needed and then mail the completed work-in-progress form to the address below. CRC 5-1 South Pine Street Syracuse, New York 13206 — or — (b) (Complete Option 1, 1. A and 1. B) — Call for Appointment — Fill Out and Mail a Copy CRC — Workers' Compensation Review Division P.O. Box 5066 Buffalo, NY 14 To download a PDF copy of the CE-200 form, please click here Important Note: You may only sign electronically, there is no printed form Worker's Compensation/Disability Certification/Form If you are a business owner with an active workers' compensation case open or one close to completion, please contact our Worker's Compensation Review Division, located in the CRC, at 5-1 South Pine Street, to register for a workers' compensation case study. You may also request information/confirmation as to your exempt status through our e-mail system or by calling our office at and requesting a certified copy of the CRC issued Workers' Compensation Exam Authorization form.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Workers comp exempt form ny